its 2 weeks tomorrow post-wedding.woa. that quick? the preparation for wedding felt so slow, with all the suspense and drama almost killing me.
am adjusting to a new place, new roommate, and housemates (mama, papa, oren, and...balqis the naughty niece) yes i am staying with my in laws for the time being- something some find interesting to know how its going.
so far so good!
some days i even get breakfast ready, and most of the time i get back from work dinner is ready too. hah! i do feel quite embarassed for not using the kitchen just yet. in all honesty i'm excited at the prospect of serving husband something (most likely burnt) to eat. just havent got round to adjusting how and when is appropriate to use the kitchen! sleeping habit from singlehood-waking up 10 minutes before naik kereta time is hard to change. this morning it was quite a big feat for me to wake up at 7.35!
im trying to chip in with the house chores-we'll see how it goes! very grateful that in-laws are not scrunitizing me 24-7.they are pretty laid back people. and husband have developed a habit that needs to be kicked out immediately.
sleeping excessively. we would plan to clean the room, watch a movie, upload our pictures, cook, go to classes. yet we'd end up sleeping after isya', usually after talking and entertaining Balqis who will go home at 8 ish or 9 ish.
then we wake up and say 'whatt we didnt get anything done-again! and ok see you tonight!' time just flyy.
i was nervous before marriage, but once you are in it, you learn to adjust accordingly. and i see now marriage is a good opportunity for you to become better Muslims inshaAllah, because your life doesn't revolve around you anymore.
as this is my first proper commitment to someone, i find it an exhilarating experience. yesterday i looked at this guy, this stranger i've come to know and love within the last few months and think 'wow. he'll be there, inshaAllah till the end of my life.'