A while ago I asked Kak Zai if she was nuts. She said 'No, I am not kacang! hehehe...' I just got back from work after an unfruitful OT and think if I am afterall kacang. There are so many things that I want to do that I end up doing nothing! I am trying to organize my messy life right now. Hehe.
On a good note my screen printing project went well. I managed to print on a duvet and looked surprisingly good! If I wasn't a cheapskate/scaredy cat I would have been happily sleeping on it right now. But because I bought a polyester/ nylon duvet (gasp) they just look pretty but uncomfortable to sleep on.
I am well excited to start other art project, but I need a lightbox to trace design and stuff. Last week I forgot about this and bought new glasses instead. Nuts nuts! But new glasses is good. First they make you dizzy. Then the view. Wow. It reminds me to get out of my comfort zone. Because the view. wow. :)