Monday, May 31, 2010


I was sitting near our house sliding door.

Just looking outside.

Enjoying the view.

Tiba-tiba Titi datang.

Dengan baju cotton putih.

That is totally see-through.

No pants.

Just pampers.

Dancing to music that only she can hear.

The wind swaying her clothes.

Her fingers moving delicately.

The sound of her small feet tapping.

'Weh!! Titi can dance porn now!'

'I bet I know who teach her that (looking at Momo)' -Maryam.


Thank God she's only two.

Perhaps Abang Long will think twice now about coming to our place.


  1. bahaye tul umah awak ni! tu baru titi..kang pas ni adek die pon join the club jugak..omg

  2. hehehe. takpe takpe banyak lg masa nak tarbiyah dua musketeers tu :D.

    angah you know it!!
