Saturday, July 31, 2010

the big sister

getting used to younger people calling me 'kakak'. yeee.

the culture denotes that its a sign of respect.


me and culture dont really really blend well these days.

some people like to ask, those who are still studying.

'hows working life? is it fun? is it fun-ner than studying?'

i dont know about others.

but for me it beats studying in uni.

you get to study what you want and not what your teacher dictates.

you dont worry about exam or test that NEVER ask the question you like anyway.

for me i get to work on new books, much like assignments with all the literature reviews and research- with higher stake- the company's money and waiting anxiously for the market's reaction which is very the exciting.

sure there are lots of boring things.

like taxes.

and your boss might scream at you.

or you dont feel like going to work.

and you dont understand how your money can finish that quick.

but you get to taste the real deal baby.

i'd say embrace ur studying life.

but look forward to the post-studying part.

u'd be surprised at the kind of people you meet.

and the experiences that you cant get in any instituition.

and in my case.

i met imran.

but more on him later.

now i gotta get back to writing some contract for my boss.

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