2. sometimes my boss have an urgent letter or proposal to make, he might call me up to do the typing too.
3. sometimes i make tea for visitors.
4. i also talk to writers wanna be about the procedures.
5. i try hard to convince my boss why a particular manuscript should not have seen the daylight in the first place.
6. i coordinate with graphics and illustrators. i chase them up, i drive them crazy by doing proofreading for about 50 times before im satisfied and i might buy them food to make it up to them. and then..i do it again.
7. my colleagues might ask me the spelling of a particular word. i go to google and give them the answer. they think im a genius. i think google is genius. its a good deal.
8. sometimes i kill cockroaches in the kitchen.
9. if im not in the mood to work i talk to my colleagues, sms my fiance, email, open facebook, open my blog and make coffee. guilty as charged.
10. my desk is very messy. i dont clean them up until my boss gives me the i cant believe you are this disgusting look.
11. i look out the window if i turn blue from reading too much.sometimes i feel like i work in a cave. with air condition.
12. the marketing people or my boss or other editor will also chase me about my deadline, or about the progress of my book.
13. yes, i have to write books too. sometimes rhymes- and some published! i am proud of this fact even though i only write silly rhymes about frogs, dolls, naughty kids, good kids, monsters and the like.when the rhymes don't work i get frustated, i sulk, write it again, throw it in the bin, go home and buy a ridiculously expensive food. the next day i try again.
14. i sleep sometimes. sorry boss.
15. i talk to international publishers who coolaborate with us. most of the time my boss will tell me what to say. sometimes i am is his personal secretary.
16. we also have a schedule for answering the phone, going to the bank, buying stationery, and counting books at the store.
17. sometimes i forget where i put things, so i frantically look for them.
18. i do filing work, i put contract in the right cabinet, i buy books, i get free books, and i make sure the shoes in front are organized nicely.
19. i try to make sure my socks have no holes in them since we dont wear shoes here.
20. now we have a pep talk every morning at 9.00. if i dont find it interesting i doodle things in my diary.
21. my boss who's a big reader sometimes ask whether i have read a particular book or watch a movie he deems interesting. when i say no he'll look at me like you unbelievably dull girl! of course when i ask him the same thing and he says no i have to look at him like its ok, you dont have time to read such dull book anyway. of course i always feel like saying 'ahah! gotcha!'.
you know...its a whole load of things mixed into one.
sometimes my days are a just a big blur.
sometimes its awesome.
its my job.
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