Saturday, January 1, 2011

of lipas

there are lots downstairs. and hasben, ever so silly tries to convince me that there is only one lipas in this world. so the usual dialogue that can be heard while he kills them are,

'i told you not to come back!'

'tak serik-serik!'

and when there are more than one

'you learning magic now? pretending to be more than one?'

'dont believe it sayang its just one lipas, its trying to deceive us! but we know better!'

i swear i can write a comic based on this guy.

which reminds me of another incident yesterday while i was cutting kiwi fruits.

i remarked that the furry like skin is kinda funny.

'you know, in the theory of evolution Kiwi were birds'


'yeah, they couldn't fend for themself so they become Kiwi fruits and other birds ate it.'


i am not that dumb, i was concentrating on the fruit.

and while we were eating it, 'we just killed a bird!'

not buying that, hasben.


  1. Assalamualaikum sis I think you are mistaken, according to evolutionist it was the kiwi fruit which evolves to a kiwi bird not vice versa. As you can see from this link

  2. Waalaikumsalam warahmatullah, thank you for the info :) That was simply a made up story by my husband, and does not reflect the theory of evolution.
