I especially like clothes that can look so simple, so understated, and yet the price tag can make me choke if I think too much about it.
I have been guilty to buy hairclips at 19.90...and other annoying stuff that will be lost after few months of purchase.
I have paid a ridiculous amount on a bag.
Had I not waste my money I probably can go to hajj by now!
And observing people around me, I am assured that I am not an isolated case, in fact, it just seems so neutral now.
I used to come back from shopping and tried all the stuff excitedly for five minutes, and then busy myself thinking of the next things to get. Already! Sometimes, I'd be at the counter paying, and my mind would already be plotting of things to buy that will go perfect with this thing I just bought. Sometimes I feel guilty of my own thoughts, (I bad bad girl) but now I know it is the very nature of desire to never feel satisfied.
"If the son of Adam were given a valley full of gold, he would love to have a second one; and if he were given a second one, he would love to have a third, for nothing fills the belly of Adam's son except dust. and Allah forgives those who repent to Him." (Al-Bukhari: 446)
So what stopped me on my never ending quench for stuff?
Alhamdulillah, our house caught fire last year. It was devastating yes, but our house is prettier now Alhamdulillah. During those trying time it was hard to say that Allah just want to replace us with something better, and more importantly, teach me a lesson.
One thing I learn, I can live with much much less.
Second thing I learn, we wont even miss almost all the stuff we lost.
Third, with less stuff, we focus less on perfecting the perfect image of ourself, and we can dig in deep to much substantial stuff, for instance our character! I am not saying yes for scruffy outfits, but I know now to be moderate is the best gift you can give to yourself.
Fourth, our true friends will stick with us no matter what we wear, regardless how much or how little money we have.
As we grow older our lifestyle is determined by ourselves.
Its okay to have taste, its okay to want the best for ourselves, but at the end of the day its important to spend according to our pocket.
A 500 ringgit shirt can be a luxury for some, while for a millionaire, it might be a humble purchase.
Last nite I wanted to show hubby my new glasses. So I was winking, and rolling my eyes, moving my brows, and he was like 'what?!'
Finally I pointed to my new glasses, and he said, 'what's wrong with your eyes?'
grrrr. somebody shoot me now! Having four sisters I'm so used to having them noticing every tiny new things I've acquired, as little as a bookmark.
finally, I had to say 'I got myself a new glasses' (finally-my old glasses just keep falling now my face coz I sat on it) and he couldn't believe I would buy 'the same one'. its not the same!!!
My point is, the person that would care the most about how we look is, ourself.
To rise above our material desires is indeed a big feat, but you will start noticing more important things in life that can warm your heart like no materials can.
There is an advert near my house that advertise a 0% interest rate, for buying HANDBAGS.
If you cant pay cash for a handbag, forget it.
Handbags cant buy you love.
Okayyy on another note altogether, this picture arrive in my email, right on our four months wedding mark-which we didnt realize until last night.

hasben: *gasp. we forgot our fourversary!! (yes we are still at that stage where we count how many days we have been married, please forgive the excitement)
me: *gasp. what's the date?
hasben: 15th of March! you forgot! (see how he subtly blame me?!)
me: YOU forgot too!
hasben: I am not a WOMAN. (and now the whole female population)
I pray that Allah grant us all spouses that will be the coolness of our eyes. Love is indeed, a beautiful thing.
Someone asked me last nite, 'are you contented with your marriage life?'
and I was like mmmm [nodding] and in my head 'huh? contented? I is happy beyond words lah'.
"And among the signs is that He created you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and he has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect." (ArRum: 21)
I pray that Allah grant you mercy and put tranquility in your hearts, whoever you are.
you is happy?? I is also happy for you lah Mrs i'm getting better at teasing people! Love you both for the sake of Allaah :-D