Saturday, June 19, 2010


has gone to Poli in Johor doing some food course. i think!

why cant my siblings just stop growing?!

seems like Luke is the last one in the house. and he'll be all grown before i know it.


in 2 weeks angah will sambung master. Penang. another goner.

my application to do textile design in UITM failed.

takpe. i believe in hikmah.

tapi. aritu guling2 lah jugak.

apelah aku nak buat with the rest of my life.

saya kurang pasti.

life, as usual will shape itself in the most unexpected way.

as each day unfolds, im so grateful that I smile and laugh more than I frown.

thank God.


  1. congrats to maryam... aiyahhh... ur dad will pengsan if ur siblings stop growing! where can get manatu lg woo? one is not enuf..:)

  2. nice words, gonna curik some. and im not asking for permission. hahahahah!
