Monday, March 29, 2010

I am domestically challenged

I literally ran out of clothes because of the Pesta Buku. Kak Zai happily lent her black jubah with matching socks. My desk in the office looks like 'kucing nak beranak' - kak Miah's words, and when boss looked at my desk, wanting to ask for an agreement I keep, he immediately said it's OK, I think we'll sign a new agreement. hilarious! at the bookfair someone asked me whether he is my 'daddy'. I think I nearly toppled over at that thought :)

Kak Zai & Kak Miah is trying to help me becoming at least 'half a woman' today. Kak Miah offered her house to do my laundry in- and Kak Zai joined in for the tea in between. I can't believe I would enjoy a discussion about washing machine and dishwasher but I did. Kak Zai showed us how to fold a shirt in 3 simple steps. This info is quite useless since I hang my good clothes, and simply throw anything else in the drawer. They tssk tssk me for this; throwing the 'even my husband fold his clothes' argument. I'm thinking about the Prophet saw, and he would agree with these two I'm sure.

Sigh. Im particular about cleanliness, but I don't mind a mess. Will try harder. My fresh smelling clothes are waiting to be hang to dry.

My dreamy washing machine-with dryer of course

* Google pic.